
October 14, 2017


Intermedia and interdisciplinarity, the subtle mix of poetry and activism, an interest for technology and nature: AGF as paradigmatic example of the contemporary posthumanist scene.

— Raluca Oancea

May 6, 2017

Personal revolutions

On the passion for producing images, a formal art training and extended perspectives in graphic design. An interview with Andreea Dobrin Dinu.

— Iulia Morcov

April 3, 2017

The first news from Polska

News from Polska #3: The Tickler and the Ticklee reunites some of Poland’s most relevant performance artists right here in Bucharest.

— Marina Oprea

March 28, 2017

News from Polska

An interview with Larisa Crunțeanu about the Polish performance festival she is curating at the Nantional Dance Center in Bucharest.

— Cristina Bogdan