
August 29, 2019

Pressure / Sensibility

How young artists Anca Zaharov, Robert Băjenaru and Cristian Emil Ghiță approached materials for their graduation projects.

— Maria Anghel

August 22, 2019

Intelligent Painting

Smile Project by Cristina Lazăr, young graduate of the Painting section of UNArte, proposes the use of deep convolutional neural networks in an innovative way.

— Tea Vindt

January 9, 2019

A Study in Punctum

Art photographer Juliane Eirich is fully aware of the punctum at play in her work – she is a master at not only capturing reality, but also a certain emotional charge.

— Marina Oprea

November 22, 2018

Glimpses of the Late Neozoic

To draw a map where no territory has been before: thoughts in tandem on the exhibition Where do we go from here? and the 2018 Berlin Biennial, We don't need another hero!

— Ion Dumitrescu