
October 5, 2023

CURATORS #9 Xiaoyu Weng

Xiaoyu Weng's curatorial and writing practices focus on the impact of globalization, identity, decolonization, and the intersection of art, science, and technology.

— Horațiu Lipot

June 30, 2021

CURATORS #7 Horațiu Lipot

Horațiu Lipot is in charge of the exhibition program for the newly inaugurated Bucharest art space, IOMO, promising a fresh outlook on contemporary and super-contemporary art.

— Marina Oprea

June 24, 2021

CURATORS #6 Lucia Pietroiusti

Lucia Pietroiusti is the curator of the renowned Sun & Sea (Marina) by Rugile Barzdziukaite, Vaiva Grainyte, and Lina Lapelyte, the Lithuanian Pavilion at the 58th edition of The Venice Biennale.

— Adriana Trancă